Fleadh Cheoil Co Thiobraid Árann 2016 Cloughjordan 2nd - 8th May
5th May 2016

Thursday 5th Oíche Stair will take place at the Thomás Mac Donagh Heritage Centre at 8.00. The Theme is: 1916 Ireland in song and story. Friday 6th is the official opening of the Fleadh with a concert in St Kieran’s Hall at 8.30 pm. The concert sets the tone for the weekend. The concert will feature Tulach Sheasta Pléaracha Group, runners up in this year's all-Ireland pléaracha competition and the In Tune For Life Orchestra which enthralled the audience at last weekends Commenmorative concert. The Presentation of the art competition prizes will also take place at this event. The Fleadh competitions will begin on Saturday and Sunday at 10.00 am. Full days of solo and group competitions: Duets, Trios, amhrán, Comhrá, Groupí Cheoil and Céilí Bands. These competitions will be held in St Michael’s School, the Old ‘Mac Donagh’ School, The Heritage Centre and in St Kieran’s Hall. There will over 140 competitions in 46 disciplines with upwards of eight competitions running at any one time. A lot of anxious competitors and parents will be busy over the two days. Sunday will also see the Dancing Competitions: Céilí, Set Dancing and Sean Nós in The Mac Donagh GAA Complex. In addition to the competitions there will be an activity programme on Saturday and Sunday based from Seomra na Gaeilge agus Oifig na n-Óg in the Thomás Mac Donagh Heritage centre. On Saturday and Sunday there will be street entertainment with registration through Oifig na N-Óg. There will be activities such as: Lunchtime junior musician session and an Afternoon (4-5) Street trad music competition on Saturday along with Eco village tours, a Wood fired bakery demonstration and a Morning Market. Sunday will again feature Seomra Gaeilge agus Oifig na n-Óg in the Thomás Mac Donagh Heritage Centre, Aifrean an Fleadh 11.00: St Michael’s & John’s Church. The Afternoon will have a relaxed family atmosphere with some Family fun activities such as a Gig Rig (again register with Oifig na n-Óg), Traditional Games, Face painting, a Bar-b-que and Eco village tours. The Thomás Mac Donagh Heritage Centre will also be open to the public on both days. While the weather may threaten to be wet it will not dampen the enthusiasm of everyone taking part. Indeed it may liven up the after competition Sessions as the musicians and dancers relive and replay their competition exertions in convivial surroundings.
What's on this weekend:
Cloughjordan: Fleadh Cheoil Co Thiobraid Árann 2016 Friday: Official opening concert featuring Tulach Sheasta Pléaracha group and the In Tune For Life Orchestra Saturday: Fleadh competitions from10am. Street entertainment and gig rig. Sunday: Fleadh competitions from 10am. Dancing competitions GAA centre. Family theme with entertainment and fun activities centred on gig rig from 2.30. Registration for gig rig with Oifig na n-óg.