Level 3 Restrictions
6th October 2020

As of midnight Tuesday 6th October all counties in the Republic of Ireland will be moved to Level 3 of the Medium-Term Plan for Living with Covid-19.
As an organisation Comhaltas have been adhering to the guidelines issued by Government. We are now asking all units to suspend indoor activities for the next three weeks. By doing so we will have played our part in ensuring a lower reproduction rate of COVID-19 nationally. This guideline is advised with the best interests of all in mind. Ní neart go cur le chéile!
Guidelines for Comhaltas Activities under Level 3: Indoor activities are not permitted to be run under Level 3 Guidelines. Units should consider running classes/AGMs online e.g. zoom.
It is essential that all units keep up to date on the Level number that their county is currently placed in. All activities must be guided by the guidelines for that level. Furthermore Comhaltas Guidelines and Communications distributed to Comhaltas units are based on Government Guidelines in the Republic of Ireland. All units should first and foremost adhere to the guidelines issued by the jurisdiction they are governed by.