A Song for Nora and Pat
11th January 2021

A Song for Nora and Pat
In recent years, the traditional Irish music world has mourned the passing of musical legends Nora Butler Swan and her husband Pat Swan. Both Nora and Pat were known internationally for their contribution and grá for music and the Irish culture. Nora has been described as one of the leading lights of traditional Irish music and it is essential for us to continue to ensure that this light remains burning brightly.
As the singing tradition was such a central part in the lives of Nora and Pat, we would like to provide individuals who knew and loved Nora and Pat with the opportunity to send in a video of themselves singing a traditional Irish song/ballad in memory of Nora and Pat.
These videos will be co-ordinated to create one production including all of the songs received and will then be made available to the public.
On the video singers are invited to:
Introduce themselves and say where in the country/world they are from.
Give a brief introduction to the song in which they have chosen to sing.
· More than one video is welcome from each county. We encourage singers both young and old to become involved.
· Both Individual and group performances are welcome (with adherence to Covid-19 guidelines).
· We ask that videos be no longer than 10 minutes in length.
· Videos should not be ‘edited’ in any form.
· In sending videos, it is understood that permission has been granted by the singer(s).
· Videos should be sent to asongfornoraandpat@gmail.com or through WhatsApp to Michaela Keenaghan on 0873251739. Please forward contributions no later than the 31st of January.
We look forward to hearing your contribution to this honouree video in memory of the late Nora and Pat.
If you should have any further queries please contact Michaela Keenaghan/Ciara Horan on asongfornoraandpat@gmail.com