10th May 2021

Comhaltas is currently operating in accordance with the most recent formal sectoral guidance.

From 10th May 2021 it will be possible for Comhaltas classes and activities to take place outdoors subject to a maximum of 15 people in attendance.

COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR COMHALTAS UNITS & ACTIVITIES must be followed for any unit returning to outdoor classes and activities.

Please see updated Guidelines for outdoor classes & activities. This update is to be used as part of the COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR COMHALTAS UNITS & ACTIVITIES.

4.7 Outdoor classes & activities

a) All units must ensure that their classes and activities are consistent with Government/HSE guidelines in relation to physical distancing and numbers attending.

b) Treat each group as a bubble and therefore the group members should remain consistent.

c) Organising unit must ensure a safe space is provided for outdoor classes & activities i.e. free from traffic and obstruction.

d) Two Garda vetted adults must be present at all times.

e) Ensure students dress appropriately for the weather e.g. sunscreen and water for warmer days essential.

f) Please notify students to use the toilet before attending an outdoor class as toilet facilities may not be available.

COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR COMHALTAS UNITS & ACTIVITIES must be followed for any unit returning to outdoor activities. A copy of these guidelines is available from your local Comhaltas unit.

Check out Live Sound Recordings in the Comhaltas Archive