'Oidhreacht na Mumhan'
16th July 2021

On the weekend of July 16-18 2021, Comhairle na Mumhan will be hosting 'Oidhreacht na Mumhan' - a virtual programme of Zoom Master Classes coinciding with our usual weekend for Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan. In addition to our usual Scoil Fonn agus Amhrán workshops which take place annually at the Munster Fleadh, we are running an extended programme with classes being organised in Traditional Solo Step Dancing, Macaronic Songs and Storytelling. While we won't be able to gather once again this year for Fleadh na Mumhan, we hope this programme of workshops will give musicians, singers, storytellers and dancers throughout Munster a valuable opportunity to learn from some of Munster's finest exponents and teachers. These classes are free of charge and will be best suited to participants of an intermediate/advanced level. The workshops are open to participants of all ages but are confined to residents of the province of Munster. Places are limited so early registration is advised. Register here: http://www.munstercomhaltas.ie/scoil-fonn-2021/4592129319