Training Seminars
16th September 2022

Comhaltas, under the Cothromaíocht initiative, will be holding another series of training seminars.
Cothromaíocht Training Seminars
Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Éireann (CCÉ) has adopted a policy of Cothromaíocht representing the principles of Equality, Respect and Opportunity. This demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that any person regardless of age, gender, nationality, socio-economic background, sexual orientation or marital status can participate in Comhaltas activities without fear of discrimination or abuse.
Online training sessions are now planned for the 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th and 26th of October in accordance with the schedule outlined below.
All officers at Branch, Co Board/Region and Province together with Designated Liaison Persons (DLPs) are encouraged to avail of this training resource.
The Training Modules can be accessed at the following Zoom Link. z09
Meeting ID: 666 615 4938
Passcode: 129723
We look forward to your attendance at this series of seminars.
Majella Bartley (Ardchláraitheoir and Data Protection Officer)
Tomás Ó Maoldomhnaigh (Ardrúnaí with responsibility for Child Protection & Vetting)
Pádraig Ó Flannagáin (Oifigeach Caidrimh Poiblí)
18th Oct - 8.00pm - Duties of Cathaoirleach (Chairperson) Leaschathaoirleach (Vice Chairperson) & Rúnai (secretary), Positive Working & Learning Environment
19th Oct - 8.00pm - Duties of Cisteoir (Treasurer) & Iniúchóir (Auditor) The Role of Treoraí na Gaeilge
20th Oct - 8.00pm - Data Protection, The Role of the Youth Officer
25th Oct - 8.00pm - Child Protection, Volunteerism – Recruitment and Retention
26th Oct - 8.00pm - Public Relations, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion