A Night To Remember Nora Butler

On Saturday 11th May there will be a very special concert in Brú Ború in remembrance of our dear friend Nora Butler. Nora, who passed away on 3rd May 2020, was an integral part of Brú Ború and our performance group. Her passing came as a terrible shock to so many and happened at a very uncertain time when people could not attend and pay their respects to Nora as they would have so wished.

On the night of the 11th May Nora will be remembered and celebrated through performances from the Brú Ború performance group and special guests. This is sure to be a very special night and we would advise to book early to avoid disappointment.

Tickets are €10 and available from Brú Ború on 062 61122 and www.bruboru.ie All proceeds from the night will go to the Irish Kidney Association.

Tickets available on the door on the night